A New Physical Therapy Experience for Boston’s North Shore

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Welcome! Are you ready for a new Physical Therapy Experience? You have landed on the first official blog post for my new physical therapy practice, Artemis Physical Therapy, PLLC. Thank you for clicking on the link! I appreciate your willingness to read my ramblings. If you know me, either professionally, or personally, you know that I am just a little different. Maybe I’m a little more direct, a little more silly, a little more ‘confident’, a little more energetic. So, it should be no surprise that I decided to create a new physical therapy practice, in a new town, on a new coast, in a new health-care culture, in an already saturated market, where I don’t really know anyone. You may be thinking, why on earth would she do that!? Well, it sure wasn’t my original plan, when my family relocated from Seattle to Boston’s North Shore last year. A solo practice was a lovely thought- maybe a 5 year plan- but not within the first 6 months of touching down. I realized quickly, however, that I really don’t ‘fit-in’ to the traditional PT health-care model. I want to spend TIME with my patients- I want to make eye contact with them. I want to connect on more than just a superficial level. I want them to be able to contact me with questions and not just wait until our next scheduled appointment. I want to be able to connect them with other practitioners that are a good fit and will compliment my treatments and meet their needs without having to worry if I am “referring in-house”. I wanted something different. So, here we go on this new adventure- Are YOU ready for something different? As always, thanks for reading.


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